Thursday, August 03, 2006

Six Weird Things About Me

First time being tagged; thank you Vikas. I am supposed to list out six weird things about myself. So here they are. 
  1. I love Uppittu (Upma) which most people detest. In fact it is disparaged as being 'concrete' in the gut.
  2. As a kid, I never watched fight scenes in the movie (on TV) and ran out during the climax if there were fights or someone was about to die. Well, not anymore.
  3. I cry during emotional scenes in a movie.
  4. I can't ride a geared vehicle. 
  5. I sleep hugging a pillow.
  6. When I embark on something new and if someone criticises me, I abandon it forever.

Well, those are the weird aspects of me.


Bit Hawk said...

Interesting list!

P.S: Thanks for the comments on my blog! I had heard about Mysore Film Society, but dont know much details. Is it good? (Please mail me at Thanks in advance!

Harshavardhan said...

Like ur writings. I too try to express myself like u doing, but its not happening. so im using lots pictures in my blogg. This is mail id :